
NEVEROVATNA SLIČNOST: Ova devojka je savršena dvojnica Kim Kardašijan (FOTO)

Photo: Instagram/kimkardashian

Kanadska influenserka Kamila Osman ima 25 godina i preko 800 hiljada pratilaca na Instagramu. Ona je svoju slavu na društvenim mrežama stekla neverovatnom sličnošću sa Kim Kardašijan.

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Kamila je više puta isticala da ne liči namerno na Kim, već da je za njen izgled zaslužno poreklo.

  • Nisam pokušala da prekopiram Kimin izgled. Desilo se to da obe imamo veoma slične korene – ja sam Azerbejdžanka, što se graniči sa Jermenijom, tako da mislim da je to odigralo veliku ulogu u našoj sličnosti. Većina devojaka u mojoj zemlji izgledaju isto – izjavila je influenserka.

Ona je istakla da nije imala plastične operacije kako bi promenila lični opis, već je samo korigovala grudi i nos,  i tvrdi da je bila iznenađena kada su joj ljudi rekli da izgleda kao Kardašijanke.


leaving boys behind is a hobby 🙂 @fashionnova ad

A post shared by @ kamiosman on Jan 9, 2020 at 5:16pm PST

Njen izgled ne nailazi uvek na odobravanje budući da joj većina ljudi ne veruje da je njen izgled prirodan, kao i da je zbog slave izgubila svoj identitet.

  • Gomila ljudi na Instagramu nije oduševljena sličnošću, oni ostavljaju veoma grube komentare. Teško je! 

when bae says something stupid

A post shared by @ kamiosman on Dec 16, 2019 at 9:43pm PST




let’s get personal / i am so in my head all the time, and i always think about starting a family and bring a baby into this world, and my constant thoughts are scary, i wonder what would our children have to live with in the future? would they be able to enjoy certain very normal things for us like breathing clean air; drinking clean water, looking up at the blue sky and feeling the warmth of the sun on the skin, would they see the beaches and palm trees, the beautiful forests and different animals. Would our children be able to play outside with other kids and run around giggling and laughing with full bellies from the home cooked meal, and enjoy all the fruits and foods? I am truly afraid and refuse to imagine otherwise, and i think my hopes are high. Please let’s take care of the planet NOW, even small actions like recycling, not littering, not buying plastic and wasting, these little things count as big if all 7.53 billion of us do little by little. Past generations didn’t take good care of this Planet, they hurt Mother Nature and it’s only a natural course for what’s happening right now, what goes around comes around. So let’s change that by doing our Home, our EARTH good. Care for the planet that homes you and care for people who’s home that is and will be in the future. I personally now am researching what steps I can take and what I can change in my day today routine/life to make a small impactful change, I really want to make the effort for it. I encourage you as well. Sorry for the rant; I just always have this sitting in my chest.

A post shared by @ kamiosman on Oct 1, 2019 at 2:09pm PDT


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