IZVADILA SILIKONE: Poznata glumica pokazala kako izgleda nakon intervencije, pa otkrila kakve probleme je imala zbog njih (FOTO)

Photo: Instagram/ashleytisdale

Ešli je u prvi mah pomislila da će je intervencija uvećanja poprsja učiniti srećnijom i samopouzdanijom, ali nakon toga se suočila sa zdravstvenim problemima.

Ona je na Instagramu podelila fotku posle vađenja silikona i priznala fanovima kroz šta je prošla.

  • Kao što znate, otvorena sam kada je moje mentalno zdravlje u pitanju, a mislim da je ovo podjednako važno. Pre mnogo godina, išla sam na operaciju kako bih uvećala grudi. Pre operacije, stalno sam osećala da moje telo nije vredno i mislila sam da će mi uvećanje promeniti život i učiniti da imam više samopouzdanja. I u kratkom vremenskom periodu tako je bilo – napisala je ona i dodala:

  • Ali malo po malo, počela sam da se borim sa manjim zdravstvenim problemima, kao što su alergije na hranu i problemi sa crevima, koje su mogli da izazovu implanti. Tako sam prošle zime odlučila da se podvrgnem uklanjanju silikona.


Hey guys, this is probably the most personal post I’ve ever shared. As you know, I’ve been very open about my mental health journey and feel that this is equally important. Years ago I underwent breast enhancement surgery. Prior to the surgery, I constantly felt my body was less than, and thought this change would make me feel more whole and more secure about myself. And for a short period of time…it did. But little by little I began struggling with minor health issues that just were not adding up—food sensitivities as well as gut issues (full story on @frenshe) that I thought could be caused by my implants. So, last winter I decided to undergo implant removal.  This journey has been one of growth, self discovery, self acceptance and most importantly self-love. This picture above was taken two months after my explant surgery and I think you can tell just how happy I am to finally be fully me. Over the years I’ve met with many holistic and non-holistic doctors and learned the importance of living a non-toxic life. I’m super excited to share with you what I’ve learned thus far, and would love for you to take this journey with me by following @frenshe, where we take an honest approach to our well-being and openly speak to health, beauty and everything in between. I can’t say I’m the proudest of the choices I made in the past but I don’t regret it because it got me here today. ❤️ Love you all! @frenshe is NOW LIVE!!

A post shared by Ashley Tisdale (@ashleytisdale) on Aug 17, 2020 at 8:02am PDT


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