
ŠOKIRALA FANOVE: Influenserka pokazala kako gola sunča međunožje, pa otkrila zbog čega to radi (FOTO 18+)

Photo: Instagram/metaphysicalmeagan

Influenserka koja je na Instagramu upisana kao Metaphysical Meagan objavila je nekoliko kontroverznih fotografija na kojima skroz gola uživa na suncu.

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Ona je šokirala svoje pratioce fotkom na kojoj je obnažena pozirala ležeći na leđima kao kod ginekologa. Meagan je skroz raširila noge, uhvatila ih rukama i tako sunčala svoje međunožje.

U opisu slike je objasnila da skoro svakodnevno praktikuje drevnu tehniku "perineum sunnin", koja podrazumeva sunčanje intimnog dela tela, između vagine i anusa.

Takođe je dodala da ova rutina ima brojne benefite za zdravlje čoveka.

  • 30 sekundi sunčanja vaše stražnjice jednako je celodnevnom sunčanju u odeći – napisala je ona na Instagramu.

Prema njenim rečima, posle ove tehnike oseća nalet energije, povezanost sa svojom seksualnom energijom, ima bolji fokus i mentalnu stimulaciju. Pored toga, povećava kreativnost i poboljašava još mnoge aspekte života.

Njena objava je izazvala negativne reakcije na društvenim mrežama. 

  • Vau, kakva gomila gluposti – piše u komentarima.

☀️Perineum Sunning PART 2☀️ 🍑I was recently interviewed for an article on this, so I thought I’d share more: Perineum sunning is an ancient Taoist practice that originated in the Far East. In Taoism, the perenium or Hui Yin is called the “Gate of Life and Death.” This is a gateway where energy enters & exits the body. I first learned about perineum sunning through my studies of Taoism and Tantric practices. Mantak Chia speaks about this in his work, as does my friend @ra_of_earth . 🍑The benefits of perineum sunning include: 🌞 •It brings in prana or solar energy from the sun into the organs within the body which strengthens the organs. 🌞 •Perineum sunning prevents against the leakage of chi or life force energy from the body. This in turn sustains health & longevity of the physical body. •Increases creativity and creative output. •Aids in a healthy libido & balanced sexual energy. •30 seconds of sunlight on the perineum is equivalent to being in the sun all day with your clothes on. •It regulates the circadian rhythm and promotes deeper sleep. •Grounds and connects you to the Earth. •Increases your personal magnetism and amplifies the auric field. •Better focus & mental stimulation. •Regulates hormone function in the sex organs. ⚡️ 🍑My experience with perineum sunning has been profound. I have been practicing this for a few months now. I start my day with 5 minutes of perineum sunning & feel energized for hours. I no longer rely on coffee for energy to start my day because I am getting my energy from the sun. I also am experiencing better sleep and require less sleep due to boost of overall energy. • 🍑I would highly recommend this to anyone who is seeking optimal health & wellness and to those looking to connect with their sexual energy in a balanced way. • 🍑The main advice I have that this practice is meant to be done in the time of 30 seconds to 5 minutes MAX in the sun. 🌞 •‼️‼️THE INTENTION OF THIS IS NOT TO TAN YOUR BUTTHOLE‼️‼️ • 🌞 Sunscreen is not required & all you really need is 30 seconds of sun exposure. The ideal hours of the day to do this are between 7-9 am. #ButtholeSunning #SexualHealing #TaoistPractices

A post shared by 𓂀 𓋹 Metaphysical Meagan 𓋹 𓂀 (@metaphysicalmeagan) on Nov 12, 2019 at 9:50am PST



👑I reclaim my INNOCENCE👑 • 🌹Our sexuality is the most playful and innocent part of ourselves!🌹 • 👑We are all offspring of the most high. We are all Sacred beings. We are all children of mother/father god & The Universe.👑 • Unfortunately, our sexuality has been distorted and manipulated to keep us in a state of control, disempowerment, and shame. There is so much programming and shame around our sexuality and our experience of pleasure. • 🌹If we can remember & reconnect with our experience as children- we remember and see how children so purely radiate their sexual energy with such innocence. What was our relation to our sexual energy before we were programmed & before our understanding of it was distorted?🌹 • • ‼️👑The antidote to shame is the reclaimation of our pure INNOCENCE!👑‼️ • • 🌹One of the reasons we chose to take on these bodies was so we could experience EXTRAORDINARY BLISS.🌹 • 👑Bliss and pleasure are our Divine BIRTHRIGHT.👑 • 🌹Our sexuality is sacred. It is the gateway to superconsciousness and our Divinity.🌹 • 👑Sex, along with harnessing & cultivating our sexual energy in a balanced way, is as close to ourselves as we can get.👑 • • 🌹Reclaim your innocence, your utter bliss and pleasure… for this is your Divine essence & birthright.🌹 • 👑Home is returning to our innocence.👑 • • #RememberYourDivinity #SexualHealing #SacredSexuality #ComingHomeToYourBody

A post shared by 𓂀 𓋹 Metaphysical Meagan 𓋹 𓂀 (@metaphysicalmeagan) on Nov 20, 2019 at 6:54am PST



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