
ŠMINKA SE I PO 16 SATI: Ono što ova devojka stvara na licu je neverovatno (FOTO)

Photo: Instagram/cakefacerj

Romani Džejd Tuloč je šminkerka iz Engleske, a poznata je po stvaranju neverovatnih iluzija na svome licu uz pomoć šminke. Veliku pažnju je privukla kada je svoje radove kači na Instagram i Youtube.

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Ova talentovana devojka je dve godine studirala likovnu umetnost, ali je odustala od školovanja kako bi se posvetila karijeri influensera budući da je na Instagramu prati skoro pola miliona ljudi.

Kako je jednom prilikom istakla, najviše vremena je potrošila kada se slikala "Osvetnike" na svome licu za šta joj je bilo potrebno oko 16 sati.

– Krenula sam na kurs kako bih postala samostalna šminkerka. Za to vreme sam postajala sve popularnija. Moj Instagram profil je skočio sa 3.000 na 16.000 pratilaca u samo nedelju dana – kaže influenserka.





💬NEGATIVE CONSUMPTION📱 – This is #MAKEUP – TAG A FRIEND WHO HATES SOCIAL MEDIA NEGATIVITY 💬 – Skull inspired by a piece I did in college, and by the Skulltress @the_wigs_and_makeup_manager 🔥 – Hey guys! Check out my stories for my reference pic ✏️I’m finally back at it after a couple weeks😝 – I wanted to do this look for a while, but wanted to bring out the elements of addiction to social media, and the way we take in the negativity that is a constant feature from trolls. Social media has its good points, but has dark sides to it too, and that is mostly from some people that use it. Hate, racism and jealousy are a common feature, and we see how it affects people everyday. It affects us and we don’t even notice. A kind word makes all the difference, everyone has a hidden battle and it would be nice to spread positivity, instead of hurting each other, we are all human on this platform🔥 Share the message 💭🙌🏾 – MAKEUP DEETS- @nyxcosmetics ultimate brights palette @nyxcosmetics ultimate brights liners @samplebeauty paradigm shift palette @officialsnazaroo white clown face paint – #makeupmafia #makeuptutorial #makeupvideos #morphebrushes #nyxcosmetics_uk #makeuprevolution #anastasiabrows #anastasiabeverlyhills #maryhadalittleglam #hypnaughtymakeup #morphebrushes #whereswally #whereswaffles #makeupartistsworldwide #makeupmobb #jcatbeauty #flawlessdolls #melaninbeautiesunite #100daysofmakeup #wakeupandmakeup #trend #viral #skullart #socialmedia

A post shared by RJ TULLOCH (@cakefacerj) on Apr 30, 2019 at 2:41pm PDT


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