
ONA JE NAJSEKSI BAKA NA SVETU: Ima 49 godina, prava je bomba i obožava da pravi skandale (FOTO)

Photo: Instagram/ginastewartofficial

Đina Stjuart uživa u ogromnoj popularnost od kada je proglašena najseksepilnijom bakom na svetu. Ova lepa Australijanka se prošle godine našla u centru skandala kada joj je Instagram uklonio fotografiju na kojoj je pozirala potupuno gola.

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Đina nije odustala od objavljivanja prokovakivnih fotografija sa društvenih mreža, te joj se često događa da joj uklone seksi fotke. Na njenom profilu još uvek je mnoštvo polugolih fotki, a ovu kolekciju lepa plavuša svakodnevno dopunjuje.

Ova baka je napunila 49 godina, a privukla je dosta pažnje kada se u 48. godini takmičila za Miss Maxim Australia gde su joj konkurencija bila 18-godišnje devojke. Tada je i ponela titulu najseksi bake na svetu.


❤️What is inappropriate about this photo Instagram? Was it my butt ? Was it the boobs? I’m not certain what it is in the photo that I need to cover up? This is the deleted photo that was deemed inappropriate last night on Instagram. I clearly showed no nipple only side boob .Am I being targeted because I’m a Grandma? Is it ageism? How come it’s women who are mostly targeted ? This is now a reality for women on Instagram . Is this a war against women? We are now under new Instagram censorship , this form of censorship affects women more than it does men and it could be seen as fundamentally discriminatory. I think it’s the first time in this day and age a celebrity is being shut down in this way and hidden , scuffled away because it’s not considered pc and turned into a shadowy figure , elusive . I am now under a shadow ban and a search ban in other words you won’t find me on Instagram from my hashtags and you can’t search for me unless you type in my full account name @ginastewartofficial Is it punishment ? Or segregation ? Am i in permanent exile for being a woman and being deemed as too sexy ? I’m not just standing for my rights I’m standing up for every one else’s , next censorship will tell us what we can and cannot write on Instagram and social media in general. The rules are arbitrary and not clearly defined so anyone’s post can be deemed too sexy and taken down , with possible account confiscation. To all women be careful what you post from now on on Instagram, even a snap shot at the beach in your bikini can be targeted and deemed inappropriate, Thanks to all my followers for your support much love 💕

A post shared by Maxim Hot 100 Model. W.H.G (@ginastewartofficial) on Jun 26, 2019 at 7:33am PDT



❤️Married at first sight ! Do you believe in love at first sight? ❤️

A post shared by Maxim Hot 100 Model. W.H.G (@ginastewartofficial) on Jun 21, 2019 at 7:57am PDT




❤️Love, Peace , Joy ❤️ #comment#like#share

A post shared by Maxim Hot 100 Model. W.H.G (@ginastewartofficial) on Apr 27, 2019 at 8:56am PDT


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