
NOVI TREND NA INSTAGRAMU: Devojke masovno objavljuju fotke na kojima pokazuju da su se ugojile, evo šta im je cilj (FOTO)


Mnoge pripadnice lepšeg pola na Instagramu i Tviteru počele su da objavljuju fotografije kojima prikazuju fitnes transformaciju, uz hešteg #ScrewTheScale.

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Instagram je preplavljen ovakvim slikama, kojih ima više od 67 hiljada. Na ovaj način žene su pokazale korisnicima društvenih mreža da kilaža nije važna. Najbitnije od svega je da se osećaju dobro u svojoj koži.

Na prvoj fotografiji one otkrivaju kako su izgledale kao mršavice, a na drugoj sa 10 kilograma više. Sudeći po njihovim objavama možemo zaključiti da telo izgleda mnogo bolje na drugoj slici.

Trend je pokrenut da bi žene skrenule pažnju na zdrav život, za koji je potrebna pravilna ishrana i vežbanje. Nije zdravo izgladnjivati se i preterivati sa treniranjem, pa u tome treba pronaći pravu meru.



#Repost @natalieafit ・・・ The TRUTH with any goal; bulking, gaining weight, cutting, learning how to do a handstand, growing your glutes…. you have to commit. I’ve been through so much trial and error, and so many setbacks, but all it really takes is commitment and consistency. If you are sat thinking your ultimate goal is to grow your glutes ie, put on muscle (the majority of my coaching applications and clients), you can’t half want to grow and half want to cut. You either grow, maintain, or lose. Each separate phases that require different things. I’ve grown more in the past 10 weeks than ever… why? Commitment! Having a PLAN. ENSURING I was progressing in my strength, monitoring progressive overload, and ENJOYING my training. If you truly want something, it takes more than wandering around aimlessly doing 3×12 of every exercise every week. It takes a TON of hard work, patience, strength and bravery to commit to a change. Then of course, theres the mentality towards weight gain. (I’m 5’8”) 119lbs➡️146lbs, the most I’ve ever weighed in my life. Still crazy to me, but Im stronger than ever so its whatever. I weigh myself in the HOPE I am gaining, now. Not the other way round. ❗️Side note: you can’t just purely gain muscle, you will gain some fat too, and that’s something you have to just accept if you’re committed to the goal.🙏🏼

A post shared by 👊WE ARE MORE THAN A NUMBER👊 (@screw.the.scale) on Apr 1, 2019 at 4:49am PDT


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