S obzirom na to da se često nagađalo zbog čega je donela tu odluku, Kim Kardašijan je sada prvi put u intervjuu za magazina “Garzia” otkrila pravi razlog prestanka snimanja rijalitija koji ih je proslavio.
- Ovo je bio san svih nas, nikad nismo mislili da ćemo snimiti drugu sezonu, a snimili smo ih 20. Toliko se toga trenutno događa da nam jednostavno treba pauza i malo vremena da se pregrupišemo. I živimo tako velike živote. Plakala sam ceo dan kad smo objavili da će sledeća sezona biti poslednja. Bilo je baš emotivno – rekla je ona.
Takođe, dodala je kako ona i njene sestre sada imaju decu kojoj su i te kako potrebne, pa je to još jedan od razloga zbog čega su donele ovu odluku.
Kao što je već poznato, Kim je prošlog meseca najavila kako će se poslednja sezona šoua emitovati početkom 2021. Takođe, zahvalila se svima koji su bili dio rijalitija, barem na kratko.
– Neizmjerno smo zahvalni svima vama koji ste nas gledali ovih godina: kroz dobra vremena, loša vremena, sreću, suze te brojne veze i decu. Zauvek ćemo čuvati predivne uspomene i ljude koje smo upoznali putem našeg rijalitija -napisala je tada.
To our amazing fans – It is with heavy hearts that we’ve made the difficult decision as a family to say goodbye to Keeping Up with the Kardashians. After what will be 14 years, 20 seasons, hundreds of episodes and numerous spin-off shows, we are beyond grateful to all of you who’ve watched us for all of these years – through the good times, the bad times, the happiness, the tears, and the many relationships and children. We’ll forever cherish the wonderful memories and countless people we’ve met along the way. Thank you to the thousands of individuals and businesses that have been a part of this experience and, most importantly, a very special thank you to Ryan Seacrest for believing in us, E! for being our partner, and our production team at Bunim/Murray, who’ve spent countless hours documenting our lives. Our last season will air early next year in 2021. Without Keeping Up with The Kardashians, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am so incredibly grateful to everyone who has watched and supported me and my family these past 14 incredible years. This show made us who we are and I will be forever in debt to everyone who played a role in shaping our careers and changing our lives forever. With Love and Gratitude, Kim
A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Sep 8, 2020 at 2:34pm PDT
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