
MUŠKARCI ME SE PLAŠE, JER SAM PREVIŠE LEPA: Manekenka priznala da ne može da nađe dečka i da privlači samo one koji žele seks

Photo: Instagram/jen_thompsonfit

Britanski top model Dženifer Topson (36) je u jednoj emisiji priznala da se oseća veoma usamljeno, jer ne može da pronađe dečka.

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Atraktivna manekenka smatra da nije pronašla onog pravog jer je "previše lepa".  Baš zbog toga muškarci je ne vide kao devojku sa osećanjima i potrebom za ljubavlju, već isključivo kao seksualni objekat koji je idealan za avanture.


PSA-I wore heels tonight for the first time in forever and it felt so good!! New girl, who dis? 🤗🤣 . But for the real reason of this post- I’ve been getting quite a few messages and questions since my last post (full Video on FB) so, I compiled a list of my top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) to share here for all of you as well! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ 1. How can I stay Motivated to Exercise? Getting out the front door the first time is hard enough, but what about 10th time? 20th? My advice is to set meaningful goals and have a deep “Why” behind them. That way when you start getting lazy you can remind yourself the real reason you are doing this in the first place. You can also get a new workout outfit, make a new playlist, plan to listen to a new podcast while you workout, journal/log your workouts so you can actually SEE your documented progress!! This is one of the most rewarding things you can do!! Create a Pinterest board and load it up with quotes, pictures and anything that inspires you! 2. How can I stay motivated to diet? Keep your “why” handy and post it around the house or where ever so it will remind you and spark motivation. Track/log your food. Research shows that tracking what you are putting in your body and seeing it on paper will help keep you accountable and deter you from mindless eating and snacking. Positive self talk. Stop and think before you eat anything. Don’t eat mindlessly- eat with intention. 3. How can I build my confidence? Start small. Once you get a small win it will give you the belief in yourself to go even farther and make even bigger goals. 4. How much time does it take to lose weight? At one or two pounds per week, losing 25 pounds will take you about 12 weeks, or roughly 3 months. 5. How do I lose weight with a busy schedule? Being busy on a new diet can actually prove helpful, believe it or not!! You just need to plan ahead. Food prep will be the most important thing you do. Have pre made snacks & meals available for when it’s time to eat, and then since you are busy, you’ll have less time to pick around and snack on other stuff throughout the day. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼Read the rest below!👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

A post shared by Jennifer Thompson (@jen_thompsonfit) on Mar 22, 2019 at 8:01pm PDT

Ona je svoje duboko razočaranje podelila sa voditeljem, kao i sa publikom emisije "This Morning".

  • Nemoguće je, sve je tako površno. Mislim da me se muškarci plaše jer sam previše lepa. Oni fini barem. Privlačim likove koji žele samo jednu stvar ili ljude koji bi da probaju da me osvoje i ne žele ništa ozbiljno – istakla je Dženifer.

Na kraju je poručila da uprkos svemu ne želi da odustane od ljubavi i da će nastaviti da traži dečka.


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