
PRE DVE GODINE IMALA JE 135 KG: Danas je fitnes instruktorka koja izgledom ostavlja bez daha (FOTO)

Photo: Instagram/wokeuplikedez

25-godišnja Desiri Aleksis-Ka Majz možda izgleda kao još jedna influenserka koja na svom Instagramu promoviše zdrav način života i vežbanje, ali je njena priča ipak malo drugačija.

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Naime, pre samo dve godine Desiri je imala 135 kg i bila je potpuno nezadovoljna svojim izgledom, a kako sama kaže, to je bio najteži period njenog života i odbijala je da se suoči sa stvarnošću.

Ali, ona je jednog dana jednostavno odlučila da promeniti svoj život i zaklela se da će vežbati i hraniti se zdravo pa se posavetovala sa lekarima.

Bilo je jasno da kilogrami neće otići bez operacije želuca koju je imala pre godinu dana, a u poslednje dve godine uspela je da izgubi čak 68 kilograma.


2 years ago, I came to Disneyland weighing almost 300 pounds! I limped around the park while my ankles continued to swell up and after hardly being able to walk, my mom went and asked the costumer service for an electric wheelchair, which was humiliating being a 23 year old in an electric wheelchair 😩 As if that weren’t enough, after waiting over an hour to go on some rides, I came to find out I didn’t even FIT on the ride, and multiple employees attempted to push the bar down on me, but it wouldn’t budge… so in front of EVERYONE, I had to get off and let me family know I’ll meet them by the exit 💔 I swear in that moment Disneyland had never been so silent! 🦗🦗 needless to say, I had not been back until TODAY!!✨ every moment has been magical, I fit on every ride WITH room to spare, no limping, AND I don’t have to turn sideways to fit through the turnstiles! (The metal gates at the entrances of most rides!) it’s been an amazing day getting my DISNEYLAND REDEMPTION 👏🏼👏🏼🐭🏰🎢💖 #TransformationTuesday #nsv #nonscalevictory #Disneyland #disney #disneyhalloween #wls #wlscommunity #gastricbypass #gastricbypasssurgery #vsg #gastricbypassjourney #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #fitness #fitnessmotivation #transformation #motivation #progress #progressnotperfection #beforeandafterweightloss #buffbunnycollection #buffbunny #alphalete #dallas #JourneyToTuck

A post shared by Desiree Alexis-Kae Mize (@wokeuplikedez) on Oct 29, 2019 at 5:30pm PDT

Desiri je danas inspiracija mnogima što pokazuje činjenica da je prati više od 104 hiljada ljudi.


It’s hard looking at the picture on the left because I remember how truly unhappy I was. The way I felt physically, mentally, AND emotionally. Some of my darkest days dealing with self hate and wondering “why me?” Wondering why I had to be the big sister or the big friend. Why I was the one who had to lug around 300 unshakable pounds. Mirrors and shopping were my worst enemies. I had a love/hate relationship with the gym. I put in the work (and a lot of it) and wondered over and over again when I would start seeing the results. I made some serious life changes and a few REALLY big decisions along the way. On this #TransformationTuesday , I’m just feeling grateful. I’m grateful for the hard times that pushed me harder. I’m thankful that at the end of day, I still always had hope and believed in myself. I still have a lot of work to do and it’s not bringing me down. I’m excited to challenge myself more and see what I’m capable of✨ #wls #wlscommunity #gastricbypass #gastricbypasssurgery #vsg #gastricbypassjourney #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #fitness #fitnessmotivation #transformation #motivation #progress #progressnotperfection #fitspo #fitstagram #fitspire #fitnesslife #beforeandafterweightloss #buffbunnycollection #buffbunny #alphalete #dezdoesdallas #dallas #JourneyToTuck #tummytuck #plasticsurgery #looseskin

A post shared by Desiree Alexis-Kae Mize (@wokeuplikedez) on Oct 15, 2019 at 12:18pm PDT



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